Counting sort is a stable sorting algorithm with a time complexity of O(n+w) , where w represents the size of the range of data to be sorted.
The counting sort consists of three steps:
- Count how many times each number appears.
- Find the prefix sum of the occurrence of each number.
- Using the prefix sum of the number of occurrences, calculate the ranking of each number from right to left.
1 & \textbf{Input. } \text{An array } A \text{ consisting of }n\text{ positive integers no greater than } w. \\
2 & \textbf{Output. } \text{Array }A\text{ after sorting in nondecreasing order stably.} \\
3 & \textbf{Method. } \\
4 & \textbf{for }i\gets0\textbf{ to }w\\
5 & \qquad cnt[i]\gets0\\
6 & \textbf{for }i\gets1\textbf{ to }n\\
7 & \qquad cnt[A[i]]\gets cnt[A[i]]+1\\
8 & \textbf{for }i\gets1\textbf{ to }w\\
9 & \qquad cnt[i]\gets cnt[i]+cnt[i-1]\\
10 & \textbf{for }i\gets n\textbf{ downto }1\\
11 & \qquad B[cnt[A[i]]]\gets A[i]\\
12 & \qquad cnt[A[i]]\gets cnt[A[i]]-1\\
13 & \textbf{return } B
C++ code
const int N = 100010;
const int W = 100010;
int n, w, a[N], cnt[W], b[N];
void counting_sort() {
memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) ++cnt[a[i]];
for (int i = 1; i <= w; ++i) cnt[i] += cnt[i - 1];
for (int i = n; i >= 1; --i) b[cnt[a[i]]--] = a[i];
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