Stern-Brocot 树与 Farey 序列

Stern-Brocot tree

The Stern-Brocot tree is an elegant data structure for maintaining positive fractions. It was discovered independently by Moritz Stern in 1858 and Achille Brocot in 1861.


The Stern-Borcot tree starts with two simple fractions:

\frac{0}{1}, \frac{1}{0}

This \frac{1}{0} may make you feel a little confused. But we will not discuss its preciseness here. You can just treat it as \infty .

Every time we insert a fraction \frac{a+c}{b+d} between two adjacent fractions \frac{a}{b},\frac{c}{d} , which means one iteration is completed and the next sequence is obtained. So it will look like this.

\begin{array}{c} \dfrac{0}{1}, \dfrac{1}{1}, \dfrac{1}{0} \\\\ \dfrac{0}{1}, \dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{1}{1}, \dfrac{2}{1}, \dfrac{1}{0} \\\\ \dfrac{0}{1}, \dfrac{1}{3}, \dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{2}{3}, \dfrac{1}{1}, \dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{2}{1}, \dfrac{3}{1}, \dfrac{1}{0} \end{array}

Since we call this data structure Stern-Brocot tree, it must look like a tree, right? Look at this figure:


You can think of the sequence at the i level as an in-order traversal of the Stern-Brocot tree with a depth of i-1 .


Next, let's discuss the property of the Stern-Brocot tree.


In the sequence of each layer, the true fraction is monotonically increasing.

Brief proof: only need to prove in the case of \frac{a}{b}\le \frac{c}{d}

\frac{a}{b}\le \frac{a+c}{b+d}\le \frac{c}{d}

That's it. This is very easy, we can just do algebraic transformation directly

\begin{array}{l} &\frac{a}{b}\le \frac{c}{d}\\ \Rightarrow &ad\le bc\\ \Rightarrow &ad+ab\le bc+ab\\ \Rightarrow &\frac{a}{b}\le\frac{a+c}{b+d} \end{array}

The same is true on the other side.


The fractions in the sequence (except for \frac{0}{1},\frac{1}{0}) are the irreducible fraction.

Brief proof: To prove the irreducibility, we first prove that for two consecutive fractions in the sequence \frac{a}{b},\frac{c}{d} :


Obviously, we only need to prove that \frac{a}{b}, \frac{a+c}{b+d}, \frac{c}{d} under the condition of bc-ad=1 .


The latter part is the same. we can prove using the extended Euclidean theorem. If the above equation has a solution, obviously \gcd(a,b)=\gcd(c,d)=1 . Then the proof is finished.

With the above proof, we can prove \frac{a}{b}<\frac{c}{d} .

With these two properties, you can treat it as a balanced tree. So we can construct and query the same way we do to the balanced trees.



void build(int a = 0, int b = 1, int c = 1, int d = 0, int level = 1) {
  int x = a + c, y = b + d;
  // ... output the current fraction x/y
  // at the current level in the tree
  build(a, b, x, y, level + 1);
  build(x, y, c, d, level + 1);


string find(int x, int y, int a = 0, int b = 1, int c = 1, int d = 0) {
  int m = a + c, n = b + d;
  if (x == m && y == n) return "";
  if (x * n < y * m)
    return 'L' + find(x, y, a, b, m, n);
    return 'R' + find(x, y, m, n, c, d);

Farey sequence

Stern-Brocot tree and Farey sequence have very similar characteristics. The i-th Farey sequence is denoted as F_i , which means that all the simplest true fractions whose denominator is less than or equal to i are arranged in order of value.

\begin{array}{l} F_1=\{&\frac{0}{1},&&&&&&&&&&\frac{1}{1}&\}\\ F_2=\{&\frac{0}{1},&&&&&\frac{1}{2},&&&&&\frac{1}{1}&\}\\ F_3=\{&\frac{0}{1},&&&\frac{1}{3},&&\frac{1}{2},&&\frac{2}{3},&&&\frac{1}{1}&\}\\ F_4=\{&\frac{0}{1},&&\frac{1}{4},&\frac{1}{3},&&\frac{1}{2},&&\frac{2}{3},&\frac{3}{4},&&\frac{1}{1}&\}\\ F_5=\{&\frac{0}{1},&\frac{1}{5},&\frac{1}{4},&\frac{1}{3},&\frac{2}{5},&\frac{1}{2},&\frac{3}{5},&\frac{2}{3},&\frac{3}{4},&\frac{4}{5},&\frac{1}{1}&\}\\ \end{array}

Obviously, the above algorithm for constructing Stern-Brocot tree is also suitable for constructing the Farey sequence. Because the numbers in the Stern-Brocot tree are the irreducible fraction, a slight modification of the boundary conditions (denominator) can form the code for constructing the Farey sequence. You can think the Farey sequence F_i as a subsequence of the sequence obtained after the i-1-th iteration of Stern-Brocot.

The Farey sequence also satisfies the irreducibility and monotonicity, and satisfies a property similar to the Stern-Brocot tree: for the three consecutive numbers \frac ab,\frac xy,\frac cd in the sequence, there is x=a +c,y=b+d . This can be easily proved, so we won't repeat it here.

From the definition of Farey sequence, we can get the length of F_i . The formula of L_i is:

L_i=L_{i-1}+\varphi(i)\\ L_i=1+\sum_{k=1}^i\varphi(k)

This page is mainly translated from the blog post Дерево Штерна-Броко. Ряд Фарея and its English version The Stern-Brocot Tree and Farey Sequences. The license for the Russian version is Public Domain + Leave a Link; the license for the English version is CC-BY-SA 4.0.
